Sunday, September 25, 2011

Another Baseball Caudill 2011

MJ Auch's One-Handed Catch will appeal to many readers even non-baseball fans.  Set right after WW II in a small town in New York, 6th grader Norm Schmidt loves playing baseball and drawing. His life takes a huge unexpected turn when he loses his left hand while working in his dad's grocery store. You would think that this would be a sad story but quite the contrary.  Norm's story, based on true events that happened to the author's husband, is a realistic, funny journey that you will take with Norm and his friends Leon and Carl. There is plenty about baseball, drawing, life at school, scouting and family.  You will learn a lot about post-war America but many of Norm's feelings and experiences will ring true for you today.  You will cheer Norm's determination. You will relate to his frustrations and then understanding about his mom, his dad and his sister, and ultimately about himself.

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